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Making a Guest Room Home Sweet Home
When guests arrive at your home, you want them to feel welcome and comfortable. Making some small changes to spiffy-up your guest room now will ensure that your guest will feel at home when they arrive. Here are some favorite tips from Julie Edelman, The Accidental Housewife, to make your guest room feel like Home Sweet Home.
Spring Clean The Outside Your Home
Back at it with my gal WFLA Gayle Guyardo to share spring cleaning tips for outside your home. From gunky furniture to grungy grills, you'll have the outside of your home just clean enough to enjoy that beautiful spring weather. How's your spring cleaning going?
Living Large and Spending Little
Giant Tiger is the leading Canadian owned family discount store, providing family fashions, groceries, and every day needs at everyday low prices.
Join Accidental Housewife Julie Edelman, along with Vice President of Marketing Lauren Moir, as they go on location, tackling great ways to save time and money shopping in the aisles of Giant Tiger – proving you don’t have to sacrifice living large when you are on a budget.