About Me
Hi there. . . We are back!
After a bit of a hiatus and self-discovery journey to figure out what the hey made sense, would be relevant, authentic and of value for me to share with you whom have evolved with me since my accidental housewife days! The skies opened and the angels sang -well not really! Your feedback and outreach did however, and led me to what was right before me and us! The realization that though we may still be accidental housewives our journeys have evolved. Once again, millions of us are trying to figure out how to navigate and balance our lives and our responsibilities but as empty nesters (myself amongst them as my son Luke has 'flown the coop'!), single parents , divorcees, Match.daters, new parents, born-again adults, boomers, sandwichers, retirees and all else betwixt and between. And, once again, most of us are not prepared, skilled or perhaps have the interest, time or money to do so thus we're slowly loosing our sanity! And, so my new personal journey, passion & purpose was realized!
TIme to start our new journeys together as a community of women celebrating us!
NOT ‘empty’ but ‘teaming’ with new experiences, challenges , choices and tools to navigate all by staying present
with joy, gratitude and embracing our accidental’ OMG!
Libations optional!!