Sink or drain backing up no prob! Here's a quick fix that will get the gunk out & prevent you from spending a $100 bucks having your plumber fix it for you:
Kettle of water
1 Cup Baking soda
1 Cup White distilled vinegar
FAST FIX Thought!
"If you spill detergent on your floor does that mean it's clean?"
The Fix:
Boil a kettle of water. Set aside.
Immediately, pour the baking soda down the drain followed by vinegar. It should get bubbly & foamy.
When the bubbling stops, let it sit for 15 minutes.
Pour down the kettle of boiling water.
You may need to repeat depending upon how clogged your sink or drain are (is that good English??)
Viola....Fast 'n Fixed!
Stop using your kitchen sink as a garbage can cause all that gunk you're pouring down clogs the drains & thus eventually you will need to call a plumber...which means there goes those new stilettos!
Remove all those lil strands of hair lying in wait on your shower drain pronto cause they're gonna trap the funk & gunk coming from your 'bod'!