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FAST FIX: Deskunking & Degunking Your Dishwasher

Updated: May 6, 2021

Clearly we want to keep this manicure-friendly appliance working well & smelling purdy! So every 3 months or whenever you start to notice a yucky aroma here's a quickie fix inspired by the classic FOX TV hit sitcom Married With Children and their love of the powdered drink TANG! For those whom haven't seen it, it featured a family named the Bundy's whom played out family dysfunction in numerous & hilarious ways. One of them took roost in their culinary faves: they loved Tang! So much that they would make Tang sandwiches! Well, one day they were almost out so they took a slice and wiped the sides of the Tang container to create the Tang Wipe! Not on my top ten faves but I must admit in doing my due diligence for sharing this bit of Trivia, it's not horrible if that's all you have & the 'texture' was let's say interesting!

Oh, case you're wondering why Tang works, it's the citric acid that breaks down & removes the gunk, scum & smells that also can cause our glasses to become cloudy.

Any citric based powdered drink works so if Country Time Lemonade is your go to go forth and use that...they both also pair well with vodka. . . just saying!


  • Tang

  • Optional

    • Bread 😎

Fast Fix:

  • Check strainer on the bottom and remove any debris

  • Pour 1/2 cup of Tang into the strainer area

  • Fill dishwasher dispenser with Tang

  • Run on a full cycle

Optional: Make yourself a T & T i.e. Tang & Tito Cocktail-- I think you can figure out how!

Viola....Fast 'n Fixed!

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