2 min8 SANITY SAVERS FOR WHEN YOU FEEL OVERLOADED (or Want to Say LMTFA*!!)It happens to us all...the kids are screaming they're bored, what's for dinner; your significant other is asking where his socks are and...
1 minA Reimagined Day at The SpaMani, facial, cUkes, nail polish, squeaky hinges, slugs, rush --whodathunk a day at the Ritz Spa in Sarasota, Florida would present moi...
1 minYour Dishwasher: A Steam Clean Cuisine Salmon Recipe Just because your dishwasher cleans your dishes doesn't mean it doesn't need some TLC nor does it mean you can't use this mani-friendly...
2 minShaking Up The Multi-tasking Virtues of Vodka I thought what better way to begin then with one of my favorite home sweet home staples....Vodka! I truly enjoy vodka martinis not just...
2 min6 Unusual Beautifying Uses for CucumbersGot Cukes??? Well then you have a tasty, crunchy multi-tasking cleverly disguised beauty and home-keeping gem in your midst!!! Beyond...